
How these farmers went from working 7 days per week to 5 months off
I recently had the privilege of interviewing remarkable farmers, Tim and Cheryl Freak, for an upcoming masterclass titled “How to find, keep and grow a successful farm team.”
The conversation left me truly inspired as they shared their journey, and are now taking extended breaks from their farm – 5 months away last year and 5 months travelling this year!
Seven years ago, Tim found himself working seven days a week, with the entire operation hinging on his efforts. This lack of work-life balance was a common predicament they shared with many farmers.
The idea of taking substantial time away from the farm was unfeasible due to the belief in the necessity of hard work, and there was an undercurrent of guilt associated with stepping away.
Today, their farm operates smoothly even in their absence, a testament to the strategic framework they’ve established. Moreover, this framework continues to evolve, thanks to the selection of team members who not only earn their trust but, as Tim aptly expressed, outperform him in his own role.
To grasp the full breadth of their transformative journey, I encourage you to register for the upcoming free webinar, where they’ll be sharing their insights. Secure your spot here: https://lp.farmownersacademy.com/team-webinar
One resounding takeaway from their experience is the necessity of setting a goal to create what we at Farm Owners Academy call a “freedom farm” – a self-sufficient farm that flourishes independently.
The act of documenting this goal, coupled with a compelling reason to attain it, was what started them on this journey. It’s worth highlighting that, at the outset, neither of them possessed a blueprint for how to do it.
Yet, as they articulated, the key is to have the goal, with the “how” often revealing itself in due course.
A goal, after all, is essentially a dream with a deadline.
Their resolve to attract farmers from outside their familial circle was also rooted in the knowledge that their children weren’t inclined to return to the farm.
In a bold move, they sought out individuals without direct farming experience but possessing the right attitude. These individuals were trained and, within a few years, empowered to take on greater responsibilities.
Their present reality is infused with travel and a bigger purpose of helping other farmers. They have a profitable enterprise that works without them.
Their support has extended to a young couple, Aaron and Anika, offering them a transformative opportunity they might never have encountered without Tim and Cheryl’s vision.
As Tim and Cheryl revel in their newfound freedom, traversing new horizons and embracing life to its fullest, a profound lesson emerges – it all commences with the act of setting a goal.
This case study is a wellspring of wisdom, and I urge you to reserve your place to learn about their remarkable journey.
Click here for more details of the masterclass or to secure your seat!
Wishing you an exceptional day ahead.
P.S. We are getting closer to finalising the core content of a new program, however, before we do – we would love to get YOUR INPUT. Let us know “What are your top 3 current challenges in your farm business?” and go in the draw to win a $100 gift card – click here to complete (less than 2-minutes)
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