
We have a variety of educational resources including online webinars, regular live events, plus, our monthly podcast and blog.
Everything you need to unlock the full potential of your business, and create something that makes you both proud and profitable and gives you the freedom you deserve.

The Smart Farm Team Handbook

Workable Strategies For Recruiting And Strengthening Family-team Alignment

The Ultimate Profitable Farming Playbook

The top 10 targets to boost your farm business profits and enjoy financial success.


Join our “Profitable Farmer Podcast” as we share knowledge that will help your farming business boom. We run bi-monthly sessions and regular blog updates so be sure to check back soon, or subscribe to the newsletter to keep in touch.


We share tips, advice, inspiration and ideas based on business skills within the farming industry. Connect with us to learn from other farmers and improve your business skills.

TOP Producers Workshop

A 2-day workshop that teaches you how to earn more money and run a better farming business. We introduce you to our TOP Producers system and the steps proven to Transform, Optimise and Propel your farm.
Farm Management Course in Australia TOP Producers Program

Farm Financial Framework

Make more money & become a stronger farm owner by learning the language of finance.

Farm Financial Framework - Farm Management Course

Take Control

A comprehensive 10-week program covering 5 key modules designed to help you gain more focus, clarity and organisation within your farming business. Now includes our bonus Farm Financial Benchmark!
Take Control Program

Platinum Mastermind

An intensive 3-year program which deep dives into the 9 elements of our TOP Producers system. This program is only for the highest calibre farmers who want to operate in the industry’s top 20%.
Platinum Mastermind Farm Management Program


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