Things can change very quickly when you do this

Things can change very quickly when you do this

I remember it like it was yesterday.

There I was, two years into my journey of helping business owners.

The year was 2013, and I was 26 years of age.

It was 10am, and I was still in bed.

I didn’t want to get up.

It almost felt like I couldn’t get up.

A thought washed over my mind that I MUST be depressed.

Maybe I needed to see a doctor?

I just didn’t know what to do. I decided I needed to pack it all in.

Time to accept defeat, time to acknowledge that I was broke.

I thought I was bankrupt.

I called my mentor – an amazing guy named Simon.

I told him I needed to speak with him about something important.

We met in his office a few hours later. His first words to me were, ‘You look like crap.’

I told him I knew – and with that, for the first time in 2 years, in front of Simon, I cried.

He asked me what was wrong – and I broke into my story; ‘I’m bankrupt, Simon. I am $180k in debt. Last night was the first time I COULDN’T afford to feed myself. I need to quit. My girlfriend left me last week, my parents think I’m in some sort of cult, and I hate my life. I don’t want to get out of bed. I just want to run away. I feel like a fraud because here I am, pretending to be a Business Coach – but I can’t even look after my own life. 

I am the world’s biggest loser


Simon didn’t say much for a while. He just sat back and let me finish talking (and crying) – which actually helped me feel better.

He then asked me three questions that would change my life…

‘Would you cut your arms off if I were to give you $1 million dollars?’

I looked at him, a little shocked by this question, ‘of course not,’ I said.

His second question shortly followed; ‘What about your legs?’

‘No’, I quickly answered.

What about your eyes – would you allow me to cut your eyes out in exchange for $1 million dollars?’

‘Absolutely not’, I firmly replied.

He looked at me with a smile and said, ‘You have just told me you are worth at least $3 million dollars, yet I am sitting here and listening to you telling me how sorry you are for yourself and how stressed you are about not having any money.’

Simon could see the puzzled look on my face, so he continued.

‘You see, Robbo – you are focusing on all the things you DON’T have in your life instead of seeing the things you DO have.’

‘You are caught up in the misery of life, and you have become a victim. You have not taken full responsibility for what you have created for yourself. Instead, you are wrapped up in your own crap, in your head – and you THINK your life is over. Yes, you are $180k in debt – BUT WHO THE HELL CARES!’

I had never been so shaken. WOW…

But in many ways – I knew Simon was right.

Over those past two years – I was constantly feeling stressed and worried. I wasn’t having any fun. I wasn’t looking after my health.

I had stopped calling my friends, spending quality time with my family, and I just wasn’t happy at all!

And for the first time in 2 years, I started to see that maybe it was ME creating this, and NOT other people or society.

Seeing my realisation, Simon added, ‘Robbo – until you believe in you, no one else will. You see – what we believe is what we think. What we think is what we say. What we say, is how other people will treat us, and the way that other people treat us, is what we believe.’

I had to get Simon to repeat this – because I needed to get my head around it.

He went on, ‘Robbo, it’s what you are saying to yourself, about yourself when you are by yourself that matters most’.

Okay, this was starting to really hit home for me.

I started to understand that for things to change, first, I must change.

That I must be thinking poorly, and this is what was creating havoc in my life.

If I change my beliefs and thoughts, maybe I could change my life! Simon had a term for this – ‘STINKING THINKING.’

For the next 60 days, Simon helped me with this. He really helped me understand that I needed to work harder on myself than I do on my business.

To work on changing my beliefs and my thinking.

And for the first time in 2 years – I committed to EVERYTHING he taught me.

For the first time in 2 years, I started focusing ON WHAT I HAVE INSTEAD OF WHAT I DON’T HAVE.


I started to experience gratitude and happiness. And then something interesting started to occur.

It happened about three weeks after the meeting with Simon.

I went out to visit a prospect who was interested in Coaching.

I was in a very positive space – to the degree that I had removed the desperation of needing them to become a client.

After a 1-hour meeting – he agreed to become my client. And also, he wanted to pay me for a whole year UPFRONT.

I was away, and amazed!

Two days later, I signed another client, then another – and within about 30 days, I had more clients than I could handle.

I made more income in 1 month than I used to make in a year in my previous job. And it didn’t stop there. I kept focusing on what I wanted.  


This stuff was really starting to work. Fast forward two years, I had a team of 25 people, one of Australia’s largest Business Coaching companies (at the time), and a yearly turnover of $3 million per year.

We were coaching some of the most successful companies around Australia at the time. Five of our clients were on the BRW Fastest 100 growth list, and one was number one on this list.


And when I look back on it, I realise my entire life and been ‘Flipped’.

That I just needed to change myself.

I needed to understand HOW to begin working on myself – to believe in myself. This knowledge had SUCH an impact on my life. I knew I had to share it with others.

The reality is, It doesn’t matter where you are at.  You can change and improve your life significantly when you finally wake up and realise, ‘ For things to change, first I must.’

Have a great week,



P.S. For those who are interested, we will be hosting a free webinar on September 20th – all about how to create a winning team. You can register for the webinar here: Team Webinar Registration

Personal & Company Values

Personal & Company Values

I had a great 50-minute conversation recently with Ben Law from “The Financial Bloke.”

I highly recommend checking out his podcast – Click Here!

During our discussion, we delved into the topic of personal and company values, covering various aspects such as:  

  • How values can create conflict in family companies. 
  • The difference between personal and company values. 
  • The importance of defining your company values. 
  • Contrasting the values of the older and younger generations. 
  • The significance of establishing the right structure for your farm. 

I thoroughly enjoyed this conversation with Ben, and I’m confident you will too.


P.S. For those who are interested, we will be hosting a free webinar on September 20th – all about how to create a winning team. You can register for the webinar here: Team Webinar Registration

How nice is your office?

How nice is your office?

A few years ago, I visited one of our members on-farm. 

They are an amazing couple who run a great farm. 

While we were out in the paddock, I asked the owner what his biggest weakness was, and he told me he didn’t make enough time to do the “office stuff.” 

We refer to this stuff as the $500-hour work, which will help you grow your business.

When we returned to his house for lunch, I asked to see his office, and I could instantly understand why he didn’t go in there much.

The office had terrible lighting, there was paperwork everywhere, and it had a slight mould smell.

No wonder he wasn’t motivated to go in there.

I share this a lot, but when the goldfish is sick, you treat the water, not the fish.

In other words, changing your environment is often the key to improving performance.

After I shared this with him, he really got it.

A few weeks later, he sent me a picture and he had: 

  • Given it a nice paint job to brighten it up 
  • Added a sunroof for lighting 
  • Cleaned up all the mess 
  • Added a new table and chair 

It was completely different, and he told me he now really enjoyed the new energy of his new office.

Improving any environment where you work can make a big difference.

Have a great day,


There is always something to worry about

There is always something to worry about

There is always something to worry about.   

We have been through drought, fires, floods, COVID, The Ukraine War, increasing interest rates and very high inflation (just to name a few).  

…it never ends, and it’s important to know that it will never end. 

Recently, I listened to an amusing story where an 84-year-old was out at a nightclub. He was a regular. He loved a drink and was a smoker. 

A journalist interviewed him and asked, ‘you’re 84, don’t you worry about your health and the effects of going out drinking and smoking?’ 

He smiled at her and said, ‘my wife used to worry about it, and she died five years ago – from too much stress.’ 

The worry and fear are often more dangerous to our mental and physical health than the actual event itself.  

It’s so easy to dramatise things and overthink them. 

This is what we mean by fear: 


Most things we worry about never really happen… 

Have a great week,


The importance of getting your team in sync

The importance of getting your team in sync

I hope this message finds you well.

I wanted to share a recent experience where we took the time to align our Farm Owners Academy team with the company’s direction.

Here are some key highlights:

Our CEO, Sam Johnsson, organised a 2-day planning session for a portion of our leadership team in the Barossa Valley in South Australia.

We reviewed our 3-year goals and mapped out a 12-month plan, working backwards to identify our focus for the next 90 days.

The session was well-structured and facilitated by Sam, with pre-work completed by each participant.

We had ample opportunity to discuss ways to improve the business and reconnect with our mission of helping farmer owners.

By the end of the two days, we all walked away with:

  • Clarity on responsibilities and timelines, allowing us to reset with exciting new goals.
  • Increased confidence, excitement, and motivation for our shared vision.
  • The energy and momentum created during this time away were a game changer for all of us.

The investment of time and money yielded a solid 10x return, far surpassing the costs.

I strongly encourage you to consider investing lavishly in getting your team in sync. It is truly the best investment you can make, with transformative effects on performance and overall success.


P.S. One of the best things you can do to help your team get in sync, is to get clarity on your organisation structure and define the roles of each team member.  You can download a free copy of how to do this and examples here –


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