This week, our Director of Well-being, Tracy Secombe, shares her story of burnout with you. How she identified her symptoms and what she did to manage it.
When I look back, I can see now that I was probably in burnout for close to 10 years without knowing it.
I was the frog in the pot with the water boiling so gradually that I didn’t notice, but luckily, I didn’t experience the fate of the boiled frog.
Like most people, I began by treating the symptoms of burnout. As a physiotherapist, my go-to treatment for my ever-increasing headaches was stretching, strengthening, massage, and occasional painkillers. However not being aware that I was in burnout meant that I never even considered trying to discover what might be the underlying cause of my burnout symptoms.
I know now.
I was so busy being pulled in so many different directions trying to keep everybody around me happy that I completely forgot about myself. I was so aware of other people’s needs and determined to help meet them that I didn’t know what my needs were.
I got so good at presenting myself as happy and positive to the outside world that I had completely lost any connection to my real emotions.
At a young age, I received praise for my achievements and for making other people feel good and I became addicted to it. I realised now that pushing myself so hard to achieve the next thing was driven by my trying to prove myself to other people.
To prove my worth.
I only thought I was good enough if I was always achieving more and more and helping others to get what they want.
I still love helping other people get what they want.
But now, I am aware of my own emotions, and I am aware of what drives me to do what I do.
Back then, I worked from the minute I opened my eyes in the morning to the minute I closed them at night, and in fact, sometimes I’d wake up the following day and feel like I’d worked all night (it was like I dreamed about work) because I was subconsciously looking for approval from others.
I didn’t have time for hobbies – in fact, I thought they were a waste of time. I thought it was impossible to be successful and have time for hobbies.
Now I know differently. Now I know that feeling calm, happy, and inspired allows me to create the success that I want for myself and the people I love.
Now I know that making time for me to feel good is the most important thing for me to do first before I take inspired action towards my goals.
If you think that you might be experiencing symptoms of burnout or perhaps you are observing the symptoms in a loved one of yours, I would love you to join me on the webinar that I am running called…‘Beating Burnout & Increasing Resilience’ on Wednesday 29th of November where I will share with you how to discover the cause of your burnout so that you can treat not just the symptoms but the cause of the burnout so that you can not only recover from….. it but prevent it from reoccurring. I look forward to seeing you on the webinar.
Robbo, Tracy & The Farm Owners Academy Team
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