Some people are in control, and some people aren’t.
Either you run your business and life, or your business and life will run you.
If it’s not scheduled in your calendar, it just won’t get done – learn to schedule time for important personal goals and things that will drive your business and life forward.
A Stop Doing List is far more powerful than a To-Do List. Learn to say NO.
Never end a day until tomorrow is planned. It takes just 10 minutes but will double your effectiveness tomorrow.
Plan in the BIG days. This is a full day that is completely focused on working on big projects that can move your business or life forward.
Invest 1 hour to plan out your week and write down what you want to happen. I promise you, this alone will triple your effectiveness.
Work in 90-day blocks. It’s important to press the reset button if you have a bad quarter.
Don’t get ‘faked out’ being busy. The big question is, ‘what are you busy doing?’
Master the art of Slowing Down to Speed Up. Do you really think a professional Golfer who is rushing to play a faster round will get a better score?
Respect your time enormously – until you respect it, no one else will.
Time is way more valuable than money. You can always get your money back, but once time is gone, it’s gone forever!
Learn to set goals and plan – this is a MUST if you want to be productive. Sadly this stuff just isn’t taught at school or University – so you have to find the people to teach you these vital skills.
Get clear on what income you want to make next year, then refuse to work on jobs that pay less than the hourly rate of this income. You won’t achieve this income goal if you don’t do this. You have to learn to pass the low-value jobs onto others.
Focus, Focus and More Focus. This is the key to success.
Time Management is by far the number one secret of the rich, successful and happy individuals. It’s a skill that can be mastered by all.
Til next time,
Building Resilience
Breaking Free from Scarcity: The Abundant Mindset in Farming’s Tough Times
Book review – The Practicing Mind
3 things to consider if you are going through a cash flow crisis
How these farmers went from working 7 days per week to 5 months off
The power of asking a good question