Here is a summary of some of the biggest challenges and constraints for farm owners. How many relate to you?
- You don’t have clarity (goals or direction) on where you are taking the business (leads to procrastination and an unhappy team).
- You don’t really have your ‘pulse’ on the finances, and in turn, you ‘wing’ many decisions (leads to significantly lower profit and a distracted focus as you are unsure where to put your energy).
- You are the business, and thus everything relies on you (leads to stress and burnout and an unhappy family).
- You are in a family business, and succession is still unclear, or you are working with a sibling or parent you don’t get on well with (let’s face it, work can suck when you experience this).
- You can’t find a good farmhand or team member, or the one you have isn’t any good (leads to more stress and frustration – ultimately burnout).
- You don’t have enough scale, and you work your backside off for very little, or you can’t work out how to get the right scale (leads to wondering why you bother).
- You love shiny new objects, and you keep changing your business model, or you are focusing on too many things in your enterprise mix, never really getting traction (leads to working hard, but never really getting a breakthrough).
- You are simply not making enough profit for the risk you put in (leads to remorse and more frustration).
- You are stuck on the tools all week and don’t have the time or the energy to do the office work (leads to a poorly run business and missing out on the best opportunities).
The thing is, there is a solution to everything listed above.
If we have missed a key challenge above, please let us know by replying to this email.
The biggest issues we see is that most people are scared to admit they have a problem in the first place.
Once you identify (then admit) you have a problem, you are 70% of the way to getting it sorted. But in order to get it sorted, you need to put your pride to one side and ask someone who has been there before you what they did.
This is the fastest way to sort it out.
I was completely stuck figuring out how to grow Farm Owners Academy until I rang another brilliant coach (way smarter than me), and in 1.5 hours, he was able to show me exactly what we needed to change to continue growing. I could have gone another three years stuck. This is the power of collaborating with other farmers rather than competing with them. And essentially, this is why Farm Owners Academy was born, to build a community of like-minded farmers that want to all share and help each other rather than compete.
If you didn’t get the chance to watch the final video in our free 3-part training series, I go into a lot of depth about what keeps farmers where they are at. You can watch it here.
Have a great week,
P.S. Once a problem is shared, it is 70% solved.
Building Resilience
Breaking Free from Scarcity: The Abundant Mindset in Farming’s Tough Times
Book review – The Practicing Mind
3 things to consider if you are going through a cash flow crisis
How these farmers went from working 7 days per week to 5 months off
The power of asking a good question