A few years ago, I visited one of our members on-farm.
They are an amazing couple who run a great farm.
While we were out in the paddock, I asked the owner what his biggest weakness was, and he told me he didn’t make enough time to do the “office stuff.”
We refer to this stuff as the $500-hour work, which will help you grow your business.
When we returned to his house for lunch, I asked to see his office, and I could instantly understand why he didn’t go in there much.
The office had terrible lighting, there was paperwork everywhere, and it had a slight mould smell.
No wonder he wasn’t motivated to go in there.
I share this a lot, but when the goldfish is sick, you treat the water, not the fish.
In other words, changing your environment is often the key to improving performance.
After I shared this with him, he really got it.
A few weeks later, he sent me a picture and he had:
- Given it a nice paint job to brighten it up
- Added a sunroof for lighting
- Cleaned up all the mess
- Added a new table and chair
It was completely different, and he told me he now really enjoyed the new energy of his new office.
Improving any environment where you work can make a big difference.
Have a great day,
Burnout: Treat the cause, not just the symptoms
Guilt Free “Me Time”
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