I have always been intrigued by Rabobank as a business.
A 120-year-old Dutch cooperative founded by farmers for farmers, now a global sensation specialising in agribusiness lending from over 1,000 offices across 38 countries, serving over 9 million customers… I think their Australasian Team are to be commended on the passion, dedication and quality support they provide to farming families across our region.
Just as interesting is the fact that their global research team spans over 140 leading analysts… all focused on finance and agri-markets… imagine the intelligence and insights available on navigating our local and international trading landscape!
In this episode, I am pleased to welcome Stefan Vogel, General Manager – RaboResearch, Australia & New Zealand, to our podcast.
I knew this would be a compelling conversation… but Stefan’s commentary and global perspective completely exceeded my expectation in so many ways.
Thank you, Stefan, for your openness and your insight as we explore:
- global and local grain production estimations;
- the interplay of our overseas competitors;
- impediments and challenges we collectively face;
- the impact of trade barriers into China;
- the potential implication of an El Nino weather event;
- expectations given the Ukraine – Russia situation and current trade deal negotiations… and so much more.
Insightful is an understatement… valuable? ABSOLUTELY.
Stefan and his team host their own podcast – simply search “RaboResearch” on all major podcasting platforms to start listening.
In addition, their recently released 2023/24 Grain Production Outlook is a valuable resource and can be found HERE.
The next few years will likely differ greatly from those we have just experienced. We need to adapt accordingly. I hope this interview provides a compelling global perspective for those of you on tractors as we get our new season underway.
All the best for this season, given the global market in which we operate.
Hutch & Team
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