Episode 115 – Thinking like an Investor

Throughout each year, I value the opportunity to invite our Investment Specialist Terry Tran to join us on Profitable Farmer.  With rising inflation, increasing interest rates, ongoing supply issues and softening commodity prices we are potentially entering a new...

Episode 114 – Prioritising BEING Well

It is so easy in this game to constantly put in massive hours, ensure everyone around you has what they need, and focus intently on getting the job done. An extended finish, a challenging season and ALREADY the urgent requirement to get set to ‘go again’… I hear of...

Episode 113 – Invest in YOURSELF

So often in this game, we attend only the training put on by the R&D extension agencies or free events by our advisers. So often, we wait for a grant to become available before we commit to a course, or we focus on improving our skills ONLY when there is a subsidy...

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