Sharing is caring!

As the finish line to another calendar year arrives, I cherish the opportunity to share the stories of some of our incredible community members – to celebrate their success in all they do as business owners and farmers.

Martin & Hayley Grosser own and operate MHG Farming Enterprises, a mixed sheep and dryland cropping operation at Kaniva in Victoria’s Western Wimmera. Their success in farming over the past 10 years, to say the least, is deeply impressive.
From a standing start to over 5,000 acres under management, Martin & Hayley have been stand-out members and incredible contributors to the Farm Owners Academy community.

In this interview, we share their story and reflect and celebrate:

  • the courage they have shown to scale in today’s climate successfully;
  • their ability to back themselves and make bold growth decisions;
  • the importance of strong financial acumen AND a positive money mindset;
  • the value of benchmarking and regular farm performance analysis;
  • the power of a concise strategic plan and feeling aligned as a family and on-farm team; and
  • the confidence that strong mentors, coaches and community can play in supporting your success.


Whilst very different in personality, I am always so impressed by the love and strength shared between Hayley & Marty. They truly make a fantastic team.

Marty & Hayley, congratulations on your success over the last 5 years, for your courage, optimism and determination. You deserve all the success that comes your way.

Your comments in this podcast are worthy of bottling and will offer genuine inspiration to so many husband & wife farm teams across our industry.

Thank you for your openness and reflecting with me on your journey.

We value you greatly and cannot wait to see what the future brings as you build from the incredible farming platform and leadership capability you have created.

Congratulations, and thank you.

To your success,

Hutch & Team

When you’re ready to take the next step and work with us, here are three things you can do: 

1. Subscribe to our ‘Profitable Farmer’ podcast 

This free audio podcast delivers ideas to help you run a great business, leading to more profit, control and freedom – Click here.
2. Join the Farm Owner Academy’s closed Facebook group ‘Profitable Farmer’ 

Our new Facebook community is where smart farm owners learn how to get more profit, control and freedom, and you can connect with like-minded farm owners – Click here to join

3. Work with us privately 

If you’d like our team to help you scale up your farming business or create a ‘freedom farm’ just email us at [email protected] and put “Private” in the subject line… tell me a little about your business and what you’d like to improve and I’ll send you the information you need to get started!

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