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Profitable Farmer Podcast

This podcast is all about increasing the profitability of your farm by helping you work smarter and not harder. Your host, Jeremy Hutchings, reveals the best business tips for more leverage in your farm business.

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Latest Episode

Episode 111 – Aligning Your Team To A Plan

We are excited to be kicking off our first podcast of 2023, we hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and New Year break. May 2023 be your best year yet! One of the great things about this time of year is friends dropping in on their holiday travels. There truly is...

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Episode 109 – A Season Like No Other

It has once again been a unique farming season - perhaps one like no other! In this episode, and once again, I call on Brett Stevenson, Managing Director & Founder of Market Check – the most influential, independent grain marketing and education service for...

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Episode 104 – What is it to be RESILIENT

With R U OK Day taking place last week, I wanted to take a few moments to share a business coaching principle that changed my life. In my younger years, I constantly struggled with poor self-esteem, low confidence, anxiety and, at times, depression. In addition, I was...

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