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The Take Control 3-month online coaching and mentoring program will help you:

  • Step into the role of a business person, and we show you how to do this confidently. This will help you become more decisive
  • Get extremely clear what you, your family and your team want from life and the business (the clearer you are, the better you perform and the more enjoyable it is)
  • Have a finished strategic plan in place, and a system to actually get things done (rather than having a plan getting dusty in a draw). Feel more organised and energised that you have in years
  • Finally know what your highest value tasks are (the $1000 jobs) and how to create time to ensure they get implemented (and watch your profits improve)
  • Learn to manage and lead and build a team around you to help you (so you don’t get stuck doing everything)
This is an easy-to-understand, no jargon, no B.S. self-paced online training program that will teach you the skills you need to take control of your You, Your Time, Your Business, Your Team and Your Finances.

Click the button below to see a walk-through to discover the value of what’s included and the positive impact on your business that comes with it.


quote CONTROL is the ultimate word. My husband and I joined this program looking for some clarification towards improving our farm business and this program did deliver. We jumped unknowingly into the program wondering if we were spending our hard earned money correctly? And it has been worth every cent plus more. It has given us a strong business foundation to build, as well as endless potential to grow as individuals, whilst enjoying our farm business and lifestyle. We have implemented small, but easy, changes into our farm and personal lives to see small successes already. We highly recommend this course for any farm, of any size, with any family. Jeremy and Greg are fully committed to helping everyone along the way. Loved it and can’t wait to do the next course. Thank you Jeremy and Greg, we really appreciate your work.

Belinda McKimmie

Click the button below to see a walk-through to discover the value of what's included and the positive impact on your business that comes with it.



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Enrolments closes on 2nd March or when 100 spots are filled, whichever comes first!

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