A 30-minute weekly team meeting aligned to your strategic plan will do you wonders.
Here are 15 keys to running a great meeting:
1. Set a time: Make it the same time every time so that people book it in as a habit.
2. Set a frequency: Make it consistent, so it’s booked in as a habit.
3. Select a location: In the office, on the kitchen table, on the phone or on Zoom – make it the same place each time.
4. Publish an agenda: So that the team knows what will be covered.
5. Start on time: Reward the organised people, train the tardy people to be early.
6. Welcome! Thank them for making the time.
7. Your say: Allow everyone to have ‘their say’ on how they are feeling (1-minute maximum). This encourages participation and gets everyone involved.
8. Check-in: Each person should discuss what they have completed from the previous week’s action list. Congratulate them for what they get done. If they haven’t completed items, get them to commit to getting them done and ask, “how can I/we support you on getting it done for next week?”
9. Celebrate the wins: Acknowledge and recognise achievements.
10. Anything to add to the agenda? This allows the team to add topics they want to be covered.
11. Business/any issues: What’s happening with the business, both good and bad. It is important to get this out of the way early (there can be negatives that need to be addressed). End with positives so that the team leaves the meeting on a high.
12. Training: Keep it fun and lively. Get everyone involved. A great way to get people learning fast is to set them a topic they need to work on and use it as a ‘teaching topic’ in the following meeting or meetings.
13. Action items: Each person is to note down what they have committed to completing before the next meeting.
14. Share action commitments: Each person should read out their commitments to the group.
15. Finish on time!
Oh – and if everyone isn’t already, why not try a standing meeting?
Have a great day,
Building Resilience
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